Thursday, 8 July 2010

It’s an all European final.

So the UEFA cup is between Holland and Spain.

A little known fact, the reason this Dutch country wears orange, is due to the Royal house that still rules Holland.

We in Britain were once ruled by the house of Orange. That was William III and Mary, which became known as the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

This is when Mary, the eldest of his two protestant and legitimate daughters of King James II, was invited by Parliament to become this country’s king and queen to replace her dad.

Unfortunately William and Mary are also remembered in Northern Ireland for the Battle of the Boyne, which is why we in mainland Britain don’t really talk about them.

James II was a Roman Catholic and the Catholics ruled Ireland during his reign. It’s also from his lineage that we get the Old Pretender and New Pretender, after the English deposed of him.

The Irish rebelled and invited James II to lead them, which he did with help of troops of Louis XIV from France.

James was defeated on the banks of the Boyne on July 12, 1690, which led to the Treaty of Limerick the following year, which made Ireand a part of the Union with Scotland and Wales.

But it also sealed the start of The Troubles – that’s only ended over ten years ago.

Needless to say, I hope we don’t have a repeat of that this Sunday!

I’m just glad at least one of the teams I originally said is a contender to win is in the final.

I don’t understand what went wrong for Brazil, who usually have all bases covered.

Argentina did well but couldn’t hold it together against Germany, so I’m going to route for Torres and company to win.

Go Sppaaaaaiiiiinnnn.

See you soon.


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