Monday, 18 April 2011

Please be kind.

I have to say this.

On Friday 15th April this year, I was in Harlesden, North West London.

One black man, of Afo-Caribbean origin, in his mid-thirties approach me, concerned in seeing me with a walking stick.

He was kind and polite but because I’m so used to some black people treating me badly because of this, I just smiled at him and made my way to the other side of the street.

Afterwards, I felt bad about this, so I did cross over again to see if I can find him and appologise for my earlier behaviour.

This wasn’t to be but I did see a black woman of Arfo-Caribbean origin, in her mid twenties who did ask me about my condition.

I didn’t want to repeat the same error, so I told her about my condition, even explaining what demylenation disease is and said I need a walking stick for my lack of balance and co-ordination - I do fall over for no reason.

This woman then proceeded to say hurtful things about me – like many (but thankfully not all in our ethnic group) it was made clear that I must offended God and praying to him (or her) will give me salvation from my illness.

I did my usual routine of smiling then walking away.

Please, I don’t know why I have demylenation disease or why it’s happened to me but don’t insult me because of it.

I’m determined to do things with my life, not sit at home and wallow in self-pity but these negative remarks and judgements don’t help anyone.

It was once said to me by a man, at the Belfast Benefit office, when I did ask (loudly) over the phone at the Wembley Job Centre, "why me?" He replied: "you’ve just got to deal with the cards life has sent you."

I now accept he’s right, so please don’t blame me for this disease.

Things do happen for which we just don’t know the reason why (I don't know why I have this disease) and this condition has dramatically affected me.

Before I was a person who leapt out of bed – now I can’t do that but I’m learning to adjust and still enjoy life.

Today’s a great day, we’re living in a great country, so let us all enjoy it!



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