As for the audience who was watching it at the same time as me - the Vue Cinema in Harrow was full – the one unsettling moment was seeing two Muslim men getting annoyed at Brüno’s interview with a Hamas leader.
They shouted obscenities at the character, a fictional gay Austrian fashion reporter portrayed by English comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, before storming off.
At first, I thought they were extras for the film!
I was warned about the talking penis scene, which is why I’m not surprised this film got an 18 certificate in the UK but it was still unexpected.
So long as you remember that Brüno (who claims to be 19) like Borat and Ali G isn’t real, you’re sure to have a good time watching this film.
The scene of seeing Brüno running away from orthodox Jews – he’s wearing a funky version of their traditional suit - is hilarious.
The same goes for him seeing an American preacher who claims to heal homosexuality.
As for the OJ baby pictures - displayed to a largly African American audience, his visit to a Swingers party and his interaction with some Deep South hunters, well I’m surprised that Brüno manages to leave America in one piece!
Just when you think Brüno can’t surprise you any further, something else comes along that’s just as funny and bemusing as the last act – watch out for the new man on the block, Straight Dave.
This is the official trailer for the film:
The pictures below, feel free to look at them, the first two include my visit to the Animal Flower Cave in St Lucy, Barbados.
Until tomorrow, Boa Noite – that’s goodnight in Portuguese, the language I'm now trying to learn.
Don’t forget to view my other internet address:
Light and Peace
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