Thursday, 7 May 2015

This is unacceptable!

I feel for PhD student Sarah Metcalfe, who suffers from fibromyalgia, a long-term condition that causes severe pain all over her body.

Unfortunately there are bad-minded people who think nothing of the long-term consequences of their actions and will write such offensive words that were placed on her window.

Shame on the idiot for writing: 'Being fat and ugly doesn't count as disabled - park elsewhere'.

This reminds me of the abuse I still receive, on the streets and on the buses, from strangers regarding my disability.

Even when I've received a call, when I happened to be on a library computer, despite the fact that I was talking in a near whispering manner, I was still getting abuse, despite the fact that I was discussing the next stage of my multiple sclerosis treatment.

Furthermore, my conversation over the phone lasted 20 seconds. I wasn't eating or drinking at my desk.

The truth of the matter is that there will be people who will be offensive, regardless of the nature of your disability, if you’re not in a wheelchair.

Sarah rightly states: “Not every disability is visible. Just because I'm not in a wheelchair doesn't mean I’m not disabled.

Ms Metcalfe also suffers with chronic fatigue syndrome and dizziness.

For her 13 year-old son to see that nasty note, aimed at his mum, just makes my stomach turn.

Ms Metcalfe, as you studying for a PhD shows that we are decent people, who want to contribute to society.

Light and peace


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