Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This, which I’ll shorten to three capital letters, CFS, is part of the package for those with Multiple Sclerosis, like me.

The same goes for people with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, end stage renal disease and other similar conditions.

Men or women in any socio-economic group and ethnicity can get CFS.

Sadly women, more than men, get CFS – perhaps it’s because we work longer and harder than men and for less pay – that’s just a well-known fact!

I can assure you, it’s not an act to say that God has punished you, which I know from experience, is what many people still believe.

There is also abundant scientific evidence that CFS is a real physiological illness.

I for one have a problem in writing, which is why I’m so grateful for a computer and still use an electronic typewriter - not all of these are in museums!

In order to keep fit, I use weights and exercise in the mornings, as my CFS gets worse as the day progresses.

Even when 1pm approaches, I have visible problems with my balance and co-ordination.

The average family in the UK with a CFS member will lose at least one average wage, which is anything between £16,000 - £25,000 a year.

I love work. To me it justifies my existence on this earth and gives me the chance to contribute to this great country.

I believe in the Union Jack and show this at any given opportunity, which includes having this on my key ring, with the words KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON.

One of the things I will suggest to anyone with CFS is this: STAY AWAY FROM CAFFINE!

I don’t know about the full facts about drinks with coffee, which are plentiful but I can say, also from experience, there is something about caffeine that makes all of us from the above groups, go from bad to worse.

I have to admit, I do love drinking D&G’s Jamaican Ginger Beer. Fizzy drinks, along with tea, also contain the dreaded C (but not as much as coffee) so go easy on these products too.

Also learn how to say no. There will always be someone you know that will try it on. Again: say no!

Also don’t under any circumstances, work for anyone who compromises the rules on health and safety.

You have the same rights as anyone else to be here but you do have a lower immune system than the next person, so if, in anyway, the building you’re expected to work in is compromised, that should set the alarm bells in your head ringing to say, what else are they flouncing?

There are good employers out there, but there are so many dodgy employers out there too, so be careful.

Light and love


PS, to see more copies of my work, click here.